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North Carolina
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● Biography
Dr. Kevin Soden has been a medical journalist for over 20 years and has been seen regularly on NBC’s Today Show. He is currently host of Healthline on Retirement Living TV, which received the CableFAX Award for Best Fitness/Health Show in 2008. He received the 2001 National Award for Excellence in Medical Reporting from the National Association of Medical Communicators. He was also a Finalist for the prestigious International Freddie Award in 2001 and teaches at the AMA’s Health Communication and Medical Reporting Conference. Kevin was also the Executive Producer for Rush of Palms, the International Critic’s Award-winning short film in 2002. He served as the national spokesperson for Centrum’s Pledge for Life campaign in 2005 and 2006.
Kevin has written The Art of Medicine: What Every Doctor and Patient Should Know – the critically acclaimed text on doctor-patient communications published in 2003. He is the primary author of Special Treatment: How to Get the Special Care Your Doctor Gets published by Penguin Putnam in September, 2003 and a contributing author to A Practical Approach to Occupational and Environmental Medicine. He is also a contributor to Physicians as Leaders: Who, How and Why Now?
He is the worldwide Medical Director for Texas Instruments as well as the Celanese Corporation. He served 23 years as an Emergency Room physician and is also the founder of Health Care Savings, the oldest, largest, physician-owned managed care organization in the Carolinas.
Kevin speaks frequently to organizations all over the country on topics such as Stress Management, Men and Women-Can They Really Communicate?, Laughing Your Way to Better Health and Working With the Media: How to Get Your Story on the News. His clients have included numerous Fortune 500 companies including IBM, Westinghouse, AT&T, Bell South as well as many major medical organizations.
Dr. Soden graduated with honors from the University of Florida College of Medicine and is one of the original inductees into the U of F Medical Wall of Fame. He’s also received a Masters in Public Health from the Medical College of Wisconsin and a Masters in Personnel Administration from Florida State University. His undergraduate degree was in History from Belmont Abbey College (Yes, you actually can get a job with a history degree).
His biggest successes are his five children — one son and four daughters. He is married to the beautiful and brilliant Dr. Meg Humphrey and they live happily and relatively stress free in Charlotte, NC.